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NT-MAX clogged septic and drainfield cleaner is 100% Natural and environmentally safe. Most septic treatments are harmful to the environment and your family. NT-MAX septic treatment will not harm people, pets, pipes or the environment.

Environmentally Safe
100% Natural
Prevent Costly Repairs
Eliminate Pump-Outs
Clean Clogged Drainfield
Repair Clogged Septic
Digests Raw Sewage
Eliminate Septic Odors
Digests 100lbs per Day
Pennies Per Day
Liquefies septic Solids
Enzymes absorb Sludge

All orders of NT-MAX clogged drainfield and septic treatment are secured by Ambiron security.All orders of NT-MAX clogged drainfield and septic treatment are secured by Thawt SSL security.

Articles on septic tanks and septic systems and more:

Septic System Problems
How Enzymes Aid in Digestion
Sewage Treatment and Bacteria
Controlling Septic Effluent
Your Septic Tank Distribution Box
History of the Septic System
Planting on Your Drainfield or Leachfield
Septic Tank, drainfield and leachfield maintenance
What is a Septic Tank?
Lemongrass as an insect and mosquito repellent
Septic Tank Problems
Types and Uses of Typical Lakes and Ponds
Septic Tank System Failure
Septic Tank Treatment

WIKI Portal:

Algae and Pond Maintenance
Bed Bug Bites
Bed Bug Infestation
Bed Bug Lesson
Bed Bug Rash
Bed Bugs and Diatomaceous
Bed Bugs in New York City
Bed Bugs in my Bed?
Black Mold
Cesspool and Cesspit Facts
Controlling Septic Tank Effluent
Duckweed Problems
Filamentous Algae
Get Rid of Bed Bugs
Healthy Septic Tank Systems
History of the Septic Tank System
How Enzymes Aid in Digestion
Insect Control Home Remedies
Lake and Pond Vegetation
Mold Facts
Natural Bed Bug Treatments
Planting on Your Drain Field
Septic System Distribution Box
Septic Tank Cost
Septic Tank Maintenance
Septic Tank Problems
Septic Tank System Failure
Septic Tank Treatments
Septic tank care
Sewage Treatment and Bacteria
Types of Lakes and Ponds
Watermeal Control
What Are Bed Bugs
What do Bed Bugs Look Like?
What is Mold?
What is a Septic Tank System

Selected online orders of NT-MAX clogged septic and drainfield treatment receive free FedEx shipping.
Stop paying retail pricing on consumer grade clogged septic treatments. NT-MAX septic treatment can unclog your septic system faster than any other septic and drainfield cleaning product on the market. Commercial grade clogged septic bacteria at wholesale prices.
Order NT-MAX to repair clogged septic systems, cesspool, lateral lines, drainfield, grease traps, outhouses, holding tanks, drains, RV's, lagoons, aerobic/mound, lift station and all other system types.
STOP SEPTIC ODORS! Stop Septic Odors With NT-MAX clogged septic treatment. Powerful Bacterial Enzymes Restore Clogged Septic Systems and Restore Normal Function and elimintaing odors.

Sewage-digesting bacteria & enzymes are 100% guaranteed to safely digest all grease, paper, fat and solid waste. Completely  eliminates the causes of clogged septic and drainfields, bad bacteria, wet spots and  and odors.
Order by Phone: 1-800-509-0927   |   100% Safe Shopping Guaranteed  |  Order Septic Tank Treatment
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© Copyright 2007 www.NewTechBio.com NT-MAX Septic Tank Treatment USA All Rights Reserved NewTechBio USA provides our most powerful clogged septic cleaning enzyme and bacterial septic treatments on the market in a powder or liquid form. Clogged septic systems and clogged drainfields can cost tens of thousands of dollars to replace. NT-MAX septic treatment contains 600 trillion bacteria per gallon and can completely restore your clogged septic and clogged drainfield to full functionality. *simulations reflect potential of NT-MAX septic tank treatment*Free shipping on item #680 and #708 only excluding Alaska, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and International orders. Other septic treatments may exclude shipping.