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      <page pageid="92" ns="0" title="Remove Mold the Green Way">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">Spring and summer are ideal for cleaning your home. To ensure that the inside of your home is sanitary and in good overall condition, removing any mold should be one of your top priorities. Sure, when you use products laced with toxic chemicals you are able to get the job done quickly and with little effort. What about the awful smells? Pregnant women are even told not to clean with certain harsh smelling chemical products. The smell of bleach alone can cause you to have a major headache. If you are experiencing mold in your home, you may want to read over this article and weigh the benefits of cleaning the green way. 

Eliminating mold the environmentally safe way not only is beneficial to the earth but is advantageous for you as well. No harmful gases are released into the air we breathe and the delicate atmosphere surrounding us. When you are cleaning you won’t have to worry about your children inhaling poisonous gases into their little developing lungs.

The green way of treating and eliminating mold in your home is just as effective as toxic chemical solutions. This article is going to give you three green alternatives to treat and eradicate mold without the use of chemical products.

The first but most strenuous way to clean mold is to make a solution out of water and regular detergent. A lot of scrubbing is required and this backbreaking method is the least effective way to treat mold out of the three ways that will be described. The area that you clean may appear to be free of mold but this method will not totally get rid of all the spores. 

If you don’t feel like creating your own green mixture to get rid of the mold in your home, opt for a green product available in many stores. Companies are now developing cleaning products for mold and other bothersome cleaning issues with natural substances that are safe for you and the environment. Just expect to pay a little extra for these items. These commercial mold cleaners with added organic ingredients are more effective than the first method.

The ingredients for the third way and greenest way to clean mold can be found right in your kitchen. Vinegar, lemon juice, and salt have also been known to be effective in the treatment of mold.

Try using one or all of the three [[Attic_Mold|treatment]] methods mentioned in this article. You will breathe easier and also help safeguard the environment. 

By: Bradley Skierkowski</rev>
      <page pageid="115" ns="0" title="Say no to Bed Bugs">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">== Say No To Bed Bugs ==

Bed bugs are feared by even the most experienced exterminators. They are without 
a doubt one of the most hated insects in the world. They spread so easily and 
they are so good at concealing themselves during the day, it makes it difficult 
to catch and kill them. The common bed bug referred to as Cimex lectularius, is 
the most widespread and discovered in areas of the world where the temperature 
as moderate conditions

Bed bugs get their nourishment from your blood. Mature bed bugs are flat and 
egg-shaped. They are brown to red in color and can grow to be about ¼ inch in 
length. While they suck up your blood their bodies become bloated and have been 
said to resemble an apple seed

Bed bugs gain entrance into your place of residence by way of used furniture and 
other items you purchase at a thrift store. They can also be brought into your 
home on your suitcase, if you were recently on a trip. Hotels all over the world 
are experiencing bed bug infestations. If you have just moved into an apartment 
or townhouse that has been unoccupied for some time, don’t assume it is bed bug 
free. Bed bugs can exist for up to a year without getting a fix of our blood.

Bed bugs get to work at night, so while you are sleeping they are planning their 
next meal. Sadly, you won’t realize what is going on until you see the little 
red bumps left behind by these horrific insects. The bites will form along the 
path of your blood vessels. Bed bugs don’t actually bite, they plunge two tubes 
into your flesh. One sucks up your blood while the other pushes in an anesthetic 
and anticoagulant which are found in the saliva of a bed bug. This combined with 
the fact that you are sleeping gives bed bugs the upper hand.

It doesn’t matter if you maintain an immaculately clean home; bed bugs can still 
infest it. If bed bugs do gain access into your home they tend to take cover in 
your mattress, especially the seaming areas, and in an assortment of other 
places such as furniture and in and around baseboards. Having bed bugs in your 
home can tend to make sleeping very stressful.

You need to respond immediately by vacuuming to remove any bed bugs you actually 
see (burn the bag) and by using natural sprays and powders to kill the bed bugs. 
Bed bug sprays will [[Bed_Bugs_and_How_to_Kill_Them|kill bed bugs]] as soon as you mist them with the solution. 
Bed bug powder, specifically diatomaceous earth, does not kill bed bugs 
immediately but acts like tiny razors, slashing through the exoskeletons of the 
bed bugs. The slashing action occurs as they travel through the substance to and 
from their feeding source. The bed bugs will eventually wither away and die

To ensure that you get a good night’s sleep, push your bed away from the wall 
and don’t let any blankets touch the ground. You can also wrap some adhesive 
tape, double sided, around all four legs of your bed. Another way to prevent bed 
bug bites at night is to place each of your bed’s legs into a shallow container 
of vegetable oil. As the bed bug elimination is in process, this will ensure 
that if there are still a few bed bugs on the prowl, they won’t get to you

Bed bugs are excellent hiders, don’t leave any stone unturned. Your entire home 
must be cleaned, vacuumed, and all holes and crevices sealed. Natural [[Bed_Bugs_in_New_York_City|bed bug]] 
sprays and powders need to be used immediately. The sooner you begin the 
annihilation, the better your chances are of eliminating them and containing the 
infestation to only one or two rooms of your home

By: Bradley Skierkowski</rev>