Discovering Black Mold

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Discovering Black Mold

I know someone who used cardboard boxes to pack his belongings in when he moved. I guess he felt didn’t feel the need to unpack a lot of his possessions, so he left them in the boxes for years. I went through these boxes and discovered mold on a lot of the items, including books and clothes. Even the box had mold growing on it and it gave off a musty odor. This is something you would anticipate happening, especially if the boxes were stored in the cellar or another moist environment. Mold can be multiplying in your home at this very moment, and you may be unaware of it. It is crucial that you are aware of the areas black mold prefers to develop on. To eliminate mold from your home, awareness is the initial step.

What are the essential requirements for mold to flourish? Mold requires nourishment, a good climate, and water. Basically, in areas where there is water, there is mold. This article will discuss of few areas in your home that mold enjoys growing on.

The first area of your home is the kitchen. We all know that mold develops on food. It could be black mold but most of the time it will be the less harmful kind which is slimy and green in color. Before throwing the moldy food away, enclose it in a plastic bag to be on the safe side. Mold will also cultivate in your kitchen cabinets. Every now and then when you are putting groceries or dishes away, examine them for mold. Any area that doesn’t receive a decent amount of light and is enclosed and prone to dampness is an ideal environment for the development of mold. Black mold can be seen on sinks, drain boards, and other areas prone to dampness.

Another common area you will see mold is in the bathroom. Bathroom tiles are a major ordeal. The building materials used in back of your bathroom tiles is ideal for black mold and orange mold growth. When it grows in excess it begins to develop around the tiles where it is eventually seen. Again, mold targets damp areas like counters, cabinets and sinks.

Mold also grows in areas that are concealed, like in back of mirrors and pictures. The next time you dust off your pictures hanging from the wall, take them off their hooks and make sure there is no mold. Mold can also be underneath wallpaper and carpeting. It’s not a good idea to hang wallpaper in your bathroom because of all the moisture in that air. As for carpeting, mold can form in your carpets as a result of being exposed to water. If your carpets are moldy, you will be able to smell it in the air. Mold can also thrive in dust. By dusting your home on a regular basis, you will lessen your chances of developing black mold.

Other areas you will encounter mold are in your basement and attic. Areas in your basement that are prone to developing mold are on the walls, ceilings, and along the perimeter of the cement floor. As for your attic, this area has poor ventilation and black mold can be discovered on wooden beams. Mold can also be released into the air by your central air system or air conditioners. Mold grows in the ducts and filters and mold spores are then dispersed into the air. This isn’t good because we inhale these spores and breathing problems can occur because of this.

If you think you may have toxic black mold in your home you should get it tested immediately. As for other molds in your home, they can be treated with natural products. These products are good for the environment and will not harm you.

By: Bradley Skierkowski