Get Rid of Bed Bugs

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Get Rid of Bed Bugs

The initial step in eliminating bed bugs, tiny revolting insects, from your home is to be certain they are actually bed bugs. There are a number of varying insects, dust mites for example, that could be taking up residence in your mattress and bedclothes that may be resistant to the methods of insect management required to eradicate the typical bed bug.

The secondary step is to figure out how you want to go about getting rid of bed bugs and their eggs. Maybe you think hiring an exterminator is the best route to take? Hiring a professional to eradicate bed bugs can be quite expensive and repeat visits are more than likely. You may just decide to carry out the task of annihilating these vicious blood sucking bed bug monsters that wreak havoc in the middle of the night.

If you are experiencing a bed bug invasion and you don’t take immediate action, you will have a major issue on your hands, for instance you may have hordes of these vampires nesting throughout your entire home and in all your mattresses, sofa and carpets. This article will provide you with three treatment methods that you can utilize to bring an end to the bed bug infestation in your home. You be the judge on which one you think is best to try, though you may wind up tying all three methods of bed bug eradication.

The first “green” option is to use a product containing diatomaceous earth to solve your bed bug infestation problem. If used properly, products containing this natural ingredient will get rid of bed bugs. Diatomaceous earth has a fine powdery texture and acts as an abrasive. As the bed bugs travel through this substance it slashes through their exoskeleton. The bed bugs will eventually pass away due to dehydration.

The second option, which is also natural, is to use products created from fruits and vegetables. These products usually consist of canola oil and pyrethrums, taken from the pyrethrum flower. The same outcome occurs for these vile creatures just as if you used diatomaceous earth, but pyrethrums breaks down at a faster rate than diatomaceous earth. Both of these treatment methods are considered to be safe and effective.

The last and most expensive way to treat bed bugs is to employ the help of an exterminator who specializes in bed bugs. If you have the money to spend and don’t want the hassle of handling the problem by yourself then this is a good option for you. Bed bug infestation can be a living nightmare for you and your family. There are ways to go about getting rid of bed bugs. Most of us don’t have money put aside in our budgets to hire an exterminator. All natural products containing diatomaceous earth and other natural ingredients will kill bed bugs and save you a lot of money. Always carefully consider the alternative bed bug control methods. The all natural bed bug treatments are the safer way to approach your bed bug problems. Remember, that attacking a bed bug problem as soon as you possibly can will result in a quicker eradication of the pests.

By: Bradley Skierkowski