How to clean a Grease Trap Interceptors?

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How to clean a Grease Trap Interceptors?

Commercial grease traps, grease interceptors and how to clean a grease trap interceptor system is the main content of this article. In this article, we will attempt to offer advice on the purchasing of a grease trap system for the restaurant owner or large food processor facility. We will offer the reader advice and suggestions on the size of the grease trap and requirements. In addition we will focus on operating tips and offer some suggestions on how to manage and perform preventive grease trap and grease interceptor maintenance. We will also attempt to explain the functional aspect of a grease trap Interceptor and why they can greatly benefit from beneficial bacterial and enzyme additives. We hope that the information found in this article will assist the reader in the prevention of system failure, grease trap backups and possibly help prevent owners from costly repairs.

Cleaning a grease trap is one of the worst jobs you will find in a restaurant. This job will usually go to the low man on the totem pole or the guy from “Dirtiest Jobs”. The job is typically the smelliest mess you will ever encounter in your life. The clean out process begins with holding your nose and lifting the lid off the grease trap exposing the nastiest mess. Dawn a pair of gloves and start spooning out the grease into a bucket or grease can so it can be properly disposed of when the job is done. Depending on the restaurant and the size of the grease trap Interceptor, this may be a weekly job for some and monthly for others.

In today’s restaurant environment you will find a grease trap interceptors in almost every restaurant. Grease traps are almost mandatory in most municipalities. Grease traps that maintained and treated with beneficial bacteria will usually have little or NO odor and require less frequent cleanouts if any at all.

Purchasing a grease trap interceptor can be a daunting task for any novas’. Consider making a call to your local plumber or sewer authority inspector to get you started in the right direction. The size, type and gallons per minute (gpm) are all mitigating factors in determining the perfect grease trap interceptor for your application. Larger is always better than smaller when it comes to grease trap interceptors.

We hope this article has given you some insight on the aspect of grease trap interceptors and what to expect as to the maintenance of a grease trap interceptor. Beneficial bacterial enzyme designed to digest fats, oils odors and grease is something all restaurants and Food Service Establishments (FSEs) businesses should seriously consider. Maintaining a grease trap interceptor is the key to a happy work environment and eliminating offensive odors for employees and paying customers.

By: Bradley Skierkowski