Septic tank care

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Septic Tank Care
By: Bradley Skierkowski

For everything to work as it’s supposed to, proper septic tank care must be upheld. If you want your body to stay healthy and active, you feed it right and try not to put things into it that will hinder its performance. The same holds true for your septic system. Not only will you harm your septic tank system by not treating it right, but you will take on substantial restoration and repair costs. If you want to get the most out of your septic system you need to watch what you put into it and have a professional pump and inspect your tank every 2 to 4 years.

If you have a septic tank, all the waste that is produced in your home leaves your home by way of a drain pipe and travels to your septic tank. Septic tanks are normally 1000 gallons and made out of concrete, but newer models are now being fabricated from fiberglass due to the strength and durability of the material. Waste water leaves the septic tank through an outlet drain where in then seeps into the surrounding soil through a drain field.

Solid waste settles at the bottom of the septic tank creating a muck commonly referred to as sludge. This is where bacteria start the process of decomposition and breaking down the solids. Certain solids won’t sink to the bottom and surface at the top with oil and grease producing a filmy residue.  Inlet and outlet baffles prohibit solids from entering the drain field along with the liquid waste. Liquid waste is further purified when it passes through the outlet baffle and travels to the soil of the drain field. When solid waste and bio-mat are not able to be properly digested by good bacteria in the septic tank, blockages occur in the drain pipes and the septic system fails to function. This is why you need to treat your system well.

One way to treat your system is to add a natural bacterial supplement to your septic system. Use a supplement packed full of healthy bacteria and enzymes since they are the organisms which digest the waste and break down the solids in your septic system.

Your septic drain field should not be overly saturated with water. Rain water should be diverted from your drain field. If it is too moist, the soil will not be able to properly take in and degrade waste water leaving your septic tank. Too much water in your drain field may be a result of leaky faucets and overuse of water like excessive clothes washing and thirty minute showers.

Another way you can take care of your septic system is by not planting any trees or plants with deep roots near your septic system. Roots have the potential to break through your pipes or tank creating a toxic problem, not to mention extremely messy. Also, nothing should be flushed down your toilet except toilet paper and human waste. You shouldn’t treat your toilet as if it were a garbage disposal machine. In addition to not throwing things like paper towels and plastic wrappings down the toilet, don’t wash oils or greases down the kitchen sink. All these things can contribute to your septic system clogging up and eventually a system failure. In addition to not washing grease and oil down your drain, be very cognizant of the cleaning products you use and wash down the drain. Chemicals in cleaning products and antibacterial soaps kill off the good bacteria that eat away at solid waste. Again, this is why it is smart and economical to add a natural bacterial product containing good bacteria and enzymes into your septic system.

Proper upkeep and care of your septic tank system with the addition of good bacteria on a regular basis will give you many years with a healthy septic system. By: Bradley Skierkowski