**Previously named Hydrothol 191 prior to name change
HYDROTHOL Granular is a highly effective contact algaecide and aquatic herbicide for use in irrigation and drainage canals, lakes and ponds. Apply when weeds and algae are actively growing. Note: Susceptibility of algae may vary due to subspecies, strains or environmental conditions. Dosage rates are measured in parts per million (ppm) endothall acid.
Mode of Action: Hydrothol Granular is effective on a broad range of planktonic, filamentous, and branched algae. Note: Susceptibility of algae may vary due to subspecies, strains or environmental conditions. Generally, rates of 0.05 to 0.3 ppm (3-16 lbs. per acre foot) are effective for the control of algae. Repeat applications when algae reappear and reach treatment levels. Dosages may be increased (from 0.3 to 1.5 ppm) where greater longevity of control is desired or to improve efficacy on species that prove difficult to control. Due to the potential for fish toxicity at higher rates, it is suggested that applications above 0.3 ppm be made only by commercial applicators as marginal or sectional treatments. For floating mats HYDROTHOL Granular should be applied as evenly as possible. SUBMERGED AQUATIC PLANTS: Apply HYDROTHOL Granular is effective on a broad range of aquatic weeds.
Contains: Mono(N,N-dimethylalkylamine*) salt of endothall** 11.2%
- Selective control of algae and many troublesome weeds
- Contact chemical ensures complete kill
- Effective on a broad range of planktonic, filamentous, and branched algae
- Controls hydrilla, coontail and stargrass
- Easy Application Granular Based
Controls or partially controls
- Algae
- Pithophora
- Bur Reed
- Cabomba
- Coontail
- Elodea
- canadensis
- Hydrilla
- Hygrophila
- Milfoil Naiad
- Pondweed
- Water
- Stargrass
- Sago Pondweed
- Vallisneria
- Zannichellia
- Irrigation - None (see label)
Directions: See Label for complete directions.
Download MSDS
**No Herbicides, Algaecides or Chemicals to NY**
**Some products cannot ship to CA, CT, NJ & WA**
Read Entire Label Prior To Treatment
**In Stock - Ships Today! **