Propeller Herbicide 1lb - Fast and Selective Aquatic Weed Control
ACTION: Propeller Herbicide is a fast acting contact herbicide that controls selected submersed, emergent and floating aquatic weeds. It is most effective when applied to young, actively growing weeds in water with a pH of less than 8.5.
PROPELLER Herbicide may be applied to the following quiescent or slow moving bodies of water: • Bayous • Canals • Drainage ditches • Lakes • Marshes • Ponds (including golf course ponds) • Reservoirs
SURFACE APPLICATION Surface Application Apply Propeller Herbicide as a broadcast spray at 6 to 12 ounces of formulated product per acre plus an adjuvant approved for use in aquatics.
Treatments made after September may be less effective depending upon water temperatures and weed growth. Occasionally, a second application will be necessary if heavy regrowth occurs or weeds reinfest from untreated areas.
SUBSURFACE APPLICATION Apply Propeller Herbicide at a rate that will produce an initial concentration of 200 to 400 ppb (of active ingredient flumioxazin) in the water column.
Contains: Flumioxazin 51%
- NEW fast and selective control of tough invasive and nuisance aquatic plants
- Dissipates quickly from the water column and does not accumulate in sediment
- Reduced personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements
- Effective in slow moving or quiescent waters
Controls or partially controls
Alligator Weed
Water Fern
Water Lettuce
Water Pennywort
Filamentous algae
Filamentous algae
Bushy Pondweed
Naiad, Southern
Pondweed, Curlyleaf
Pondweed, Sago
Water Fern
Water Lettuce
Watermilfoil, Eurasian
***PROPELLER is a very fast acting herbicide/algaecide. It is critical to follow application instructions. Lakes or ponds that are low in oxygen content, heavily infested, have little to no flow or will be treated during hot temperatures should only be treated in small portions at a time. Call tech support for more information before treatment with any questions at 800-509-0927.
USE PRECAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS• Do not apply to intertidal or estuarine areas.• There is no post-application holding restriction against use of treated water for drinking or recreational purposes (e.g. swimming, fishing). • In areas with dense weed vegetation only treat 1/2 the water body at one time and wait 10-14 days before treating the remaining area. Do not re-treat the same section of water within 28 days of application. • Treated water may not be used for irrigation purposes on food crops until at least five (5) days after application. • Treated water may be used for irrigation purposes on turf and landscape ornamentals as outlined in the Irrigation Restrictions Following Application table. • Do not use in water utilized for crawfish farming. • Do not re-treat the same section of water with Propeller Herbicide more than 6 times per year. • Do not exceed 400 ppb of Propeller Herbicide during any one application.
Directions: Propeller Herbicide Label
Safety Data Sheet: Propeller Herbicide SDS
**Some products cannot ship to NY, CA, CT, NJ & WA**
Read Entire Label Prior To Treatment. Identical alternate brand product may ship in lieu of 1 lb. discontinued containers of Clipper Herbcide.
**In Stock - Ships Today! **