
Safe |
Free |
Prevent Costly Repairs |
Eliminate Pump-Outs |
Clean Clogged Drainfield |
Repair Clogged Septic |
Digests Raw Sewage |
Eliminate Septic Odors |
Digests 100lbs per Day |
Pennies Per Day |
Liquefies septic Solids |
absorb Sludge |
Controlling Septic Tank Effluent
waste leaves the house and enters the septic tank,
the tank begins to perform two functions.
First, it allows the solids to settle to the
bottom forming what is called a "sludge" layer while the liquids
rise to the top forming a "scum layer" and lastly forming a clear
middle layer called effluent.
Second, bacteria which is normally naturally
occurring in the entire system, begin breaking down the solids and
destroying the pathogens which are present.
As the process continues in the tank, the
effluent now enters the "soil
treatment" phase(enters the
drainfield) while baffles keep larger floating
solids out. The is comprised of distribution pipe laid in a
trench partially filled with gravel and covered with topsoil
and as the affluent enters the drainfield, it percolates through the
gravel bed where most of the pathogens are destroyed by the oxygen fed
(aerobic) bacteria in the drainfield. As the affluent enters the final
stage of entering the soil surrounding the drainfield, bacteria present
in the soil finalizes the process and by the time the affluent has
traveled 3 feet through the soil, all pathogens are destroyed and the
water remaining is of drinking quality and the process continues as the
fluids disperse deeper into the soil.
As the effluent enters the drainfield it percolates through the gravel
bed where a large portion of the pathogens are destroyed. Pockets of
oxygen created by the uneven shape of the gravel allow the more
efficient aerobic bacteria to exist. As the effluent exits the
drainfield the natural soil completes the treatment process. By the time
the effluent has traveled 2-3 feet through the soil all the remaining
pathogens have been destroyed and the water is drinking quality. The
cleaning process continues as the water migrates through the soil
Harmful chemical septic
treatments defeat this entire process by killing off the necessary
bacteria colonies and instead of digesting the sludge and solids, they
simply loosen the blockages and force the solids further into the
drainfield, making matters worse. NT-MAX products digest sludge and
organic matter at a rate of 100 lbs per day and reintroduce the much
needed bacteria/enzyme combination needed for proper functionality of
the tank and drainfield. NT-MAX contains 14 Trillion bacteria per gallon
which double in numbers every 30 minutes to aggressively digest sludge,
effluent, organic matter and other waste, restoring your system to "like
new" condition.