Green is Better

SONAR RTU 32oz (X6) Duckweed & Lake Weed Control - Ready to Pour + Free Ship


Warning: Some vendors advertising Sonar RTU products at lower prices ship generic products instead. Be sure to check with any vendor prior to ordering that they will be shipping only genuine and authentic Sonar RTU.

SONAR RTU  32oz (6 Quarts) Ready To Pour No Mixing or Spraying Needed! Fluridone Based and Designed to Eradicate DuckWeed and PondWeed Control Treatment for Lakes, Ponds, Lagoons, Ornamental Ponds, Reservoirs, Potable Water Sources, Drainage Canals and Irrigation Canals.

SONAR RTU herbicide contains 3.79 Fluridone - the #1 active ingredient used by professionals worldwide!

SONAR RTU duckweed killer remains a premier control treatment of choice by aquatic professionals worldwide since the active ingredient in SONAR AS, Fluridone, has the power and ability to completely eliminate DuckWeed,WaterMeal, Milfoil, Hydrilla and most other nuisance weeds.

Sonar RTU Application Tips
Sonar RTU (Ready-To-Use) represents an exciting new era in pond weed management tool for the do-it-yourselfer!
The innovative new RTU formulation allows anyone to make water usable for recreation, bring fish populations back into balance and restore property values. It's so simple that applying Sonar RTU doesn't require any mixing, special spray equipment or a boat...simply open the bottle and treat from the shoreline.

How Sonar RTU Works
Sonar RTU manages undesirable aquatic weeds for a year or longer and is recommended for use in ponds with soft or muck bottoms. Sonar RTU is an easy-to-use liquid formulation that is applied straight from the bottle. Sonar RTU works by stopping photosynthesis, which robs target plants of their ability to make food. Target plants turn white and gradually die over a period of six to twelve weeks. Unlike other aquatic herbicides, Sonar RTU has no restrictions for swimming, fishing, boating or livestock use, even immediately after application. Check the label for irrigation precautions.

How to Apply Sonar RTU
Sonar RTU comes in a distinctive squeeze bottle that only requires the user to lift the nozzle on the lid and squirt the Sonar RTU directly into the water. Treating an entire pond only takes a few minutes. After measuring the size of your pond, consult the rate chart (below) with each Sonar RTU purchase to determine the amount of Sonar RTU required and when to apply each application. You'll apply half of the total dose on day one, then return 21 days later, and then again 42 days later to add the rest. Simply apply Sonar RTU at three to four locations around the pond each time and the unique formulation of Sonar RTU will disperse throughout the water. Rinse the empty container and pour directly back into the pond after application.

Click Here to Calculate Your Pond Size

Pond Size
in Acres
Total Bottles
to Apply
to Apply
DAY 21
to Apply
DAY 42
1/8 1 (32oz) 16oz 8oz 8oz
1/4 2 (64oz) 32oz 16oz 16oz
1/3 3 (96oz) 48oz 24oz 24oz
1/2 4 (128oz) 64oz 32oz 32oz
3/4 6 (192oz) 96oz 48oz 48oz
1acre 8 (256oz) 128oz 64oz 64oz


SONAR RTU Controls
  • common duckweed
  • spatterdock
  • bladderwort
  • paragrass
  • water-lily
  • common coontail
  • common elodea
  • egeria, Brazilian elodea
  • fanwort, cabomba
  • hydrilla
  • naiad
  • pondweed
  • watermilfoil
Partially Controls (Call for Assistance)
  • common watermeal
  • alligatorweed
  • Illinois pondweed
  • barnyardgrass
  • American lotus
  • limnophila
  • giant cutgrass
  • cattail
  • tapegrass
  • reed canarygrass
  • creeping waterprimrose
  • American eelgrass
  • southern watergrass
  • parrotfeather
  • watermilfoil-variable-leaf milfoil
  • torpedograss
  • smartweed
  • spikerush
  • waterpurslane
  • watershield



**Some products cannot ship to CA, CT, NY, NJ & WA**
Read Entire Label Prior To Treatment
**In Stock - Ships Today! **

  • Model: SONARrtus6

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