Green is Better

ALLIGARE ECOMAZAPYR 2 SL - 32oz - Up to 2 acre Control + Free Shipping



ALLIGARE ECOMAZAPYR 2 SL compare to POLARIS and ARSENAL TAlligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL may only be used for application to control undesirable emergent and floating aquatic vegetation in and around standing and flowing water, including estuarine and marine sites. Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL may also be used to control undesirable vegetation growing in or around surface water in wetland, riparian and terrestrial habitats where applications may inadvertently contact surface water. Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL may also be used for cut stump, cut stem and frill and girdle treatments within aquatic sites.

Isopropylamine salt of IMAZAPYR(2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4-(1-
methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-yl]-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid)* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.8%

Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL controls most annual and perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds and many brush and vine species. Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL will provide some residual control of undesirable species that germinate above the waterline. Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL controls vegetation by absorbtion through emergent leaves and stems, from which it is translocated throughout the plant, where it accumulates in rapidly-growing meristematic tissue. Treated plants stop growing soon after treatment. Chlorosis (yellowing of plant tissue) first appears in the newest leaves, and necrosis spreads from this point. In perennials, Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL is translocated into and kills underground or submerged storage organs to prevent regrowth. Chlorosis and tissue necrosis may not be apparent in some plant species until two or more weeks after application. Complete kill of plants may not occur for several weeks. Applications of Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL are rainfast within one hour after treatment. Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL will not control plants which are completely submerged or have a majority or their foliage under water.

directions for use: Apply Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL at 2 to 6 pints per acre, depending on weed species and weed density. Use higher rates for heavy weed pressure. Refer to the AQUATIC WEEDS CONTROLLED BY ALLIGARE ECOMAZAPYR 2 SL section and the ADDITIONAL WEEDS CONTROLLED BY ALLIGARE ECOMAZAPYR 2 SL section of this label for specifics. DO NOT exceed 6 pints per acre (1.5 lb ai/A) per year. Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL may also be applied as a draw down treatment in areas described above. Apply Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL to weeds after water has been drained and allow 14 days before reintroduction of water.

Controls or Suppresses:

Duckweed Lemna minor 2-3 pints/acre (1% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
*Duckweed, Giant Spirodela polyriza 2-3 pints/acre (1% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
*Frogbit Limnobium spongia 1-2 pints/acre (0.5% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
*Spatterdock Nuphar luteum Apply a tank-mix of 2-4 pints/acre Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL plus 4-6 pints/acre glyphosate (0.5% Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL
plus1.5% glyphosate) in 100 GPA water for best control. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
*Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes 1-2 pints/acre (0.5% solution) in 100 GPA water to actively growing foliage.
*Water Lettuce Pistia stratiotes 1-2 pints/acre (0.5% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
Alligatorweed Alternanthera philoxeroides 1-4 pints/acre (0.5% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage. DO NOT apply as a
tank-mix with glyphosate, since doing so may reduce control.
*Arrowhead, Duck-potato Sagittaria spp. 1-2 pints/acre (0.5% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
*Bacopa, lemon Bacopa spp. 1-2 pints/acre (0.5% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
*Parrot feather Myriophyllum aquaticum Apply 2-4 pints in 100 GPA water to actively growing emergent foliage. Foliage must be above water for sufficient uptake.
*Pennywort Hydrocotyle spp. 1-2 pints/acre (0.5% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
*Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata 2-3 pints/acre (1% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
*Taro, wild; Dasheen;
Elephant’s Ear;
Coco Yam Colocasia esculentum 4-6 pints/acre (1.5% solution) in 100 GPA with a high quality ‘sticker’ adjuvant. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent
*Water lily Nymphaea odorata 2-3 pints/acre (1% solution) in 100 GPA water. Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage.
*Water Primrose Ludwigia uruguayensis 4-6 pints/acre (1.5% solution) in 100 GPA water, Completely cover all actively-growing emergent foliage. DO NOT apply as a
tank-mix with glyphosate, since doing so may reduce control.
Nightshade Solanum tampicense 2 pints/acre applied to foliage.
*Bamboo, Japanese Phyllostachys spp. 3-4 pints/acre applied to actively-growing foliage before plants set seed heads. The greater the amount of foliage present at
treatment, the greater the exposure to the herbicide for plant uptake, which will result in greater root kill.
Brazilian Pepper;
Christmasberry Schinus terebinthifolius 2-4 pints/acre applied to foliage.
Cattail Typha spp. 2-4 pints (1% solution) applied to actively- growing, green foliage after full leaf elongation. Lower rates will control cattail in the
north; higher rates are needed in the south.
Chinese Tallow Tree Sapium sebiferum 16-24 oz applied to foliage.
Cogon grass Imperata cylindrica Burn foliage, till area, then treat in fall at 2 quarts/acre Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL plus MSO applied to new growth.
Cordgrass, prairie Spartina spp. 4-6 pints applied to actively growing foliage.
*Cutgrass Zizaniopsis miliacea 4-6 pints applied to actively growing foliage.
*Elephant Grass;
Napier Grass Pennisetum purpureum 3 pints/acre applied to actively growing foliage.
*Flowering rush Butumu typla 2-3 pints applied to actively growing foliage.
Giant Reed, Wild Cane Arundo donax 4-6 pints/acre applied in spring to actively growing foliage.
*Golden Bamboo Phyllostachys aurea 3-4 pints/acre applied to actively-growing foliage before plants set seed heads. The greater the amount of foliage present at
treatment, the greater the exposure to the herbicide for plant uptake, which will result in greater root kill.
Junglerice Echinolchloa colonum 3-4 pints applied to actively growing foliage.
Knapweeds Centaurea species Russian Knapweed- Apply 2-3 pints plus 1 quart/acre MSO in the fall after senescence begins.
Knotweed, Japanese
(see Fallopia japonica) Polygonum cuspidatum 3-4 pints/acre applied postemergence to actively growing foliage.
Melaleuca; Paperbark Tree Melaleuca quinquenervia For established stands, apply 6 pints/acre Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL plus 6 pints/acre glyphosate plus adjuvant. For best
results, use 4 quarts/A methylated seed oil for adjuvant. For ground foliar application, uniformly apply to completely cover all
actively-growing foliage. For aerial foliar application, apply in at least two passes in a cross pattern at 10 GPA. For spot
treatment, apply a 25% solution of Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL plus 25% solution of glyphosate plus 1.25% MSO in water as a
frill or stump treatment.
*Nutgrass;Kili’p’opu Cyperus rotundus 2 pints Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL plus 1 quart/acre MSO applied early postemergence.
*Nutsedge Cyperus spp. 2-3 pints postemergence to foliage or pre-emergence incorporated. Non-incorporated preemergence applications will not
provide control.
Common Reed Phragmites australis 4-6 pints/acre applied to actively-growing, green foliage after leaf elongation. Completely cover all actively-growing foliage. If
stand has a substantial amount of old stem tissue, mow or burn, allow to regrow to approximately 5’ tall before treatment. Lower
rates will control phragmites in the north; higher rates are needed in the south.
*Poison Hemlock Conium maculatum 2 pints Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL plus 1 quart/ acre MSO applied preemergence or early postemergence up to rosette stage
before flowering.
Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria 1 pint/acre applied to actively growing foliage.
Reed canarygrass Phalaris arundinacea 3-4 pints/acre applied to actively growing foliage.
Rose, swamp Rosa palustris 2-3 pints/ acre applied to actively growing foliage.
Russian-Olive Elaeagnus angustifolia 2-4 pints/acre or 1% solution applied to foliage.
Saltcedar; Tamarisk Tamarix species Aerially apply 2 quarts Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL plus 0.25% v/v NIS to actively growing foliage during flowering. For spot
spraying, use a 1% solution of Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL plus 0.25% v/v NIS and spray to wet foliage. After application wait
at least two years before disturbing treated saltcedar. Earlier disturbance can reduce overall control.
Smartweed Polygonum spp. 2 pints/acre applied early postemergence.
Sumac Rhus spp. 2-3 pints/acre applied to foliage.
Swamp Morning Glory;
Water Spinach;
Kangkong Ipomoea aquatica 1-2 pints/acre Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL plus 1 quart/acre MSO applied at early postemergence.
Torpedo grass Panicum repens 4 pints/acre (1-1.5% solution). Completely cover all actively growing foliage.
*White Top; Hoary Cress Cardaria draba 1-2 pints/acre applied in spring to foliage during flowering.
Willow Salix spp. 2-3 pints/acre Alligare Ecomazapyr 2 SL. Completely cover all actively growing foliage.

Apply 2-3 pints per acre1
Annual bluegrass Poa annua A
Broadleaf signalgrass Brachiaria platyphylla A
Canada bluegrass Poa compressa P
Downy brome Bromus tectorum A
Fescue Festuca spp. A/P
Foxtail Setaria spp. A
Italian ryegrass Lolium multiflorum A
Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense P
Kentucky bluegrass Poa pratensis P
Lovegrass Eragrostis spp A/P
*Napier grass Pennisetum purpureum P
Orchardgrass Dactylis glomerata P
Paragrass Brachiaria mutica P
Quackgrass Agropyron repens P
Sandbur Cenchrus spp A
Sand dropseed Sporobulus cryptandrus P
Smooth brome Bromus inermis P
Vaseygrass Paspalum urvillei P
Wild Oats Avena fatua A
Witchgrass Panicum capillare A
Apply 3-4 pints per acre1
Barnyardgrass Echinochloa crus-gali A
Beardgrass Andropogon spp. P
Bluegrass, Annual Poa annua A
*Bulrush Scirpus validus P
Cheat Bromus secalinus A
Crabgrass Digitaria spp A
Crowfootgrass Dactyloctenium aegyptium A
Fall Panicum Panicum dichotomiflorum A
Goosegrass Eleusine indica A
Itchgrass Rottboellia exaltata A
Lovegrass Eragrostis spp. A
*Maidencane Panicum hemitomon A
Panicum, Browntop Panicum fasciculatum A
Panicum, Texas Panicum texanum A
Prairie threeawn Aristida oligantha P
Sandbur, Field Cenchrus incertus A
Signalgrass Brachiaria platyphylla A
Fiddleneck Amsinckia intermedia A
Goldenrod Solidago spp. P
Henbit Lamium aplexicaule A
Knotweed, prostrate Plygonum aviculare A/P
Pokeweed Phytolacca americana P
Purslane Portulaca spp. A
Pusley, Florida Richardia scabra A
Rocket, London Sisymbrium irio A
Rush skeletonweed4 Chondrilla juncea B
Saltbush Atriplex spp. A
Sheperd’s-purse Capsella bursa-pastoris A
Spurge, Annual Euphorbia spp. A
Stinging nettle4 Urtica dioica P
Velvetleaf Abutilon theophrasti A
Yellow starthistle Centaurea solstitialis A
Apply 4-6 pints per acre1
Arrowwood Pluchea sericea A
Canada thistle Cirsium arvense P
Giant ragweed Ambrosia trifida A
Grey rabbitbrush Chrysothamus nauseosus P
Little mallow Malva parviflora B
Milkweed Asclepias spp. P
Primrose Oenothera kunthiana P
Silverleaf nightshade Solanum eleagnifolium P
Sowthistle Sonchus spp. A
Texas thistle Cirsium texanum P
Apply 1 pint per acre
Field bindweed Convolvulus arvensis P
Hedge bindweed Calystegia sequium A
Apply 2-3 pints per acre1
Wild buckwheat Polygonum convolvulus P
Apply 3-4 pints per acre1
Greenbriar Smilax spp. P
Honeysuckle Lonicera spp. P
Morningglory Ipomoea spp. A/P
Poison ivy Rhus radicans P
Redvine Brunnichia cirrhosa P
Wild rose Rosa spp. P
Multiflora rose Rosa multiflora P
McCartney rose Rosa bracteata P
Apply 4-6 pints per acre1
*Kudzu3 Pueraria lobata P
Trumpetcreeper Campsis radicans P
Virginia creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia P
Wild grape Vitis spp. P
Wild barley Hordeum spp. A
Wooly Cupgrass Eriochloa villosa A
Apply 4-6 pints per acre1
Bahiagrass Paspalum notatum P
Bermudagrass3 Cynodon dactylon P
Big bluestem Andropogon gerardii P
Dallisgrass Paspalum dilatatum P
Feathertop Pennisetum villosum P
Guineagrass Panicum maximum P
Saltgrass3 Distichlis stricta P
Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus P
Sprangletop Leptochloa spp. A
Timothy Phleum pretense P
Wirestem muhly Muhlenbergia frondosa P
Apply 2-3 pints per acre1
Burdock Arctium spp. B
Carpetweed Mollugo verticillata A
Carolina geranium Geranium carolinianum A
Clover Trifolium spp. A/P
Common chickweed Stellaria media A
Common ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia A
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale P
Dog fennel Eupatorium capillifolium A
Filaree Erodium spp. A
Fleabane Erigeron spp. A
Hoary vervain Verbena stricta P
Indian mustard Brassica juncea A
Kochia Kochia scoparia A
Lambsquarters Chenopodium album A
*Lespedeza Lespedeza spp. P
Miners lettuce Montia perfoliata A
Mullein Verbascum spp. B
Nettleleaf goosefoot Chenopodium murale A
Oxeye daisy Chrysanthemum leucanthemum P
Pepperweed Lepidium spp. A
Pigweed Amaranthus spp. A
Puncturevine Tribulus terrestris A
Russian thistle Salsola kali A
Smartweed Polygonum spp. A/P
Sorrell Rumex spp. P
Sunflower Helianthus spp. A
Sweet clover Melilotus spp. A/B
Tansymustard Descurainia pinnata A
Western ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya P
Wild carrot Daucus carota B
Wild lettuce Lactuca spp. A/B
Wild parsnip Pastinaca sativa B
Wild turnip Brassica campestris B
Woollyleaf bursage Franseria tomentosa P
Yellow woodsorrel Oxalis stricta P
Apply 3-4 pints per acre1
Broom snakeweed4 Gutierrezia sarothrae P
Bull thistle Cirsium vulgare B
Burclover Medicago spp. A
Chickweed, Mouseear Cerastium vulgatum A
Clover, Hop Trifolium procumbens A
Cocklebur Xanthium strumarium A
Cudweed Gnaphalium spp. A
Desert Camelthorn Alhagi pseudalhagi P
Dock Rumex spp. P
Apply 4-6 pints per acre1
American beech Fagus grandifolia P
Ash Fraxinius spp. P
Bald cypress Taxodium distichum P
Bigleaf maple Acer macrophylum P
Black locust5 Robinia pseudoacacia P
Black gum Nyssa sylvatica P
Box elder Acer negundo P
Cherry Prunus spp. P
Chinaberry Melia azadarach P
Dogwood Cornus spp. P
Elm6 Ulmus spp. P
Hawthorn Crataegus spp. P
Hickory Carya spp. P
Honeylocust5 Gleditsia triacanthos P
Maple Acer spp. P
Mulberry Morus spp. P
Oak Quercus spp. P
Persimmon Diospyros virginiana P
*Pine5 Pinus spp. P
Poplar Populus spp. P
Privet Ligustrum vulgare P
Red Alder Alnus rubra P
Red Maple Acer rubrum P
Russian Olive Eleagnus angustifolia P
Sassafras Sassafras albidum P
Sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum P
Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua P
*Water willow Justica americana P
Willow Salix spp. P
Yellow poplar Liriodendron tulipifera P

Directions: See Label for complete directions.

ALLIGARE ECOMAZAPYR 2 SL - 32oz - Up to 2 Acre Control

**No Herbicides, Algaecides or Chemicals to NY**
**Some products cannot ship to CA, CT, NJ & WA**
Read Entire Label Prior To Treatment
**In Stock - Ships Today! **

  • Model: Imazapyr32

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